Friday, November 26, 2010


2010 sport carnival will be hold on 3 dec ro 5 dec in KTAR kuala Lumpur main campus. This is a annual sport game for all the KTAR students to have a plaform to show their talent and at the same time have a chance for them to know more friends. I'm here to wish my SAS football team to be able to defend the champion as we did past 2 years. Let's briefly talk about SAS football team, when i just came in study sport science and know about sport carnival, i get to know that previuosly SAS wouldnt participate in sport carnival football event. My lecture told me that this is a chnace to promote our course and through this event to practice what we had learn. In 2007, SAS football team is form. I'm the team captain and manager!!

2007 SAS football team

Well prepare before game
Pray before start

This is 1st time we participate and we successful enter semi final. However, we didnt satisfy with the resulted. We know we can do much better than this. Start from that, we alwasy play football together, i wouldnt said there are training, i know when talk about training no one will attend, we said play football!! 1 year later, the stronger SAS team is born. To be continue....................


完成了初三三天两夜毕业旅行,真的开心!这是我第二次到海边,第一次跟朋友到kuantan的某某海边主要是去比赛,当时只有johnson,roger跟我。这次是带队老师,主要是注意学生的安全。爽,一大班人在一起玩总是会有很多有趣的是发生。爽,刚好有几个老师也很搞笑好玩,好像阿董和发哥。整个旅行最为开心有三个部分,第一个是water polo.有阿董和发哥加上3德的学生们就很好玩,最重要是大家够'SH'。再来是沙滩排球,4个老师对垒3德全体同学,有如‘夜蚊’一打十,还有一个戴安全帽的女同学用头在我们身上得分,对她刮目相看。最后也是让我跟阿董笑破肚皮的,详情难以用文笔来形容,只有当事人或有参与的人或有偷看的人或有偷听的人或不小心听到的人才可以感受到那种让你笑得全身乏力的感觉。
Cheer for 3 de!!!!! Yam Sheng

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


看了看,想了想! 慢慢的烧起来咯! 总觉得现在踢球好像只是想去旅行!北上也差不多走完了,都是托踢球的福,但也因为这样渐渐的觉得踢不踢正选也不再重要了,反而希望不是正选,那太累了!踢球已不是重点,赢球只为了去更多的地方,过程并不重要,重要的是到此一游!但是,看了一些以前存的短片后,原来我还想追求更新更难的技术! 大师兄回来啦!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010


少了那团火,所以懒惰写blog了!! 等烧起来的时候才写吧!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Last Song



那天看到了这样的 post!为何一样的铃声,但放学的铃声特别动听! 我并不知道当时她的想法或感觉是什么!本身觉得那是一种解脱,好像在慢慢长路里终于可以歇一歇!听过一个故事,老人家在他们要走的时候不但会有他们熟悉的人来带他们上路以外,还会听到钟声,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12~~回到0点,回到原点。
钟声提醒自己珍惜现在,怀恋过去,展望未来!! 时间不停的往前走,人们是否依然停待不前?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

commitment to the sport

A players or athletet 100% commitet to their sport, no matter he/she like it or not. Their will give thier 100% during the training and so in competition!! Never forget team cohesion is the only way to bring to the top!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010



14 许育豪

4 曾翰庆

8 刘弘毅

17 萧证源

18 王建丰

12 陈东河

5 曾凯瑞

9 温毅恒

15 赖铭豪



两场比赛评估了我们过去的那一个月的努力,在这里我想所有的人应该为自己的努力及付出鼓掌。别忘了董老师为你们所做的一切,没有他你们也没有机会参加这届的全国赛,对董老师至最高的敬意!! 看到你们的 表现的确感到很安慰,能够确定的是你们还有很好的未来。

1 林锦权
- 两场比赛你的表现只是中规中矩,你并没有让球队感觉到安全感,几次的低级失误间接的让球队处在劣势。今后必须让自己更加冷静,你给我的感觉是缺乏信心,你知道你的责任,必须表现出不惧怕的精神!!

10 黄威浩
- 你的进球展现你的技术,但过于多于拖泥带水的技巧无法让你表现得更好。体能的控制非常的重要,别让自己再次发生缺氧状态!必要时应该更多的带球前进,会让你更具威胁。你有身高,有技巧;在其他方面如传,带的运用。这会让你更进步并且终生享受足球带给你的快乐

11 苏振宁
- 长传是你的特点,感觉你可以是个攻守兼备的中场。单薄的体格让你在争抢中吃亏,但随着年龄增长那不会是个问题。重要的是防守方面需要很好的加强,技术方面也一样。两场比赛也没有射门,偶尔放射冷箭可让敌人对你防不胜防。

7 林安肯
- 没能完成任何一场的比赛,但你是前线的支点,你的移动很多时候影响球队的进攻成功率。看得出你很爱踢球,但必须做好心理准备,任何时候都会受伤,只有坚持不惧怕才可继续在球场上表现自己

6 严国峰
- 低级失误后所展现的霸气才是我想看到的,你的踢法总是放不开,怕这怕那的。如果一开始就以这样的态度比赛的话也许我们可以走得更远,感觉足球不会是你的终身运动,但至少它陪伴过你。永远别忘了踢球带给你的一切

2 曾振豪
- 基本上我并没有给你任何的定位,应为我并不是很了解你,但必须把基本的技巧练好,否则只是虚度光阴而已,最重要是怀着喜欢的心情继续加强自己

4 杜业军
- 很想把你变成后腰,但时间关系没办法,虽然上场的时间不多,但再把基础加强你会是球队的主要战力

13 马旗胜
- 基础决定了你的出场时间,体能鉴定球员适不适合上场。问问自己做过多少努力,你必须比别人更勤劳更发奋

3 张俊杰
- 费了,费了右脚,浪费了努力,浪费了表现自己的机会,浪费了评估自己的机会。体会到David Beckham 的痛苦了吧

Sunday, July 25, 2010


,回到家休息下,吃了晚饭后就出发到batu pahat(rio 做工的地方)再踢futsal,
那一天,那一年,期待着回归到来。 I WILL BE BACK

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Last weekend, seremban final, im plying and my team succcessfully to won the champion, result was 1:0!! However, my performance was very bad, one of the reason of course i'm lack of training! Others than that, i think i lost something which encourage me to play better!! I'm trying to figure out wht is that, unfortunately i failed!! Beside that, today i replace my brother friends went for the 21km stabdard charted run! This is the 1st time i realize how slow am i!! Feel bad!! i know i need more training! But laziness put me in trouble!! i should do much and hard to keep my fitness and increase my performance, i still had a lot of competition this year, hopefullly i won something before i leave!! Thanks God!!

After finished the 21km run only i realize how long i didnt go for a single run! In my sport i'm not only plying football but running also!! It's really enjoying, and hope that in future i can participate with my friend or brother!! Happy is the most important in life!! Always!! SPort gv life bz it bring u happiness!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

1st and last

TARC fotball team succesfully participated their 1st tournament, resulted were 3 lose and the score were 1-4,1-4,1-3!!! As a captain i feel proud that even we lose all 3 game but the players were doing their best and i was really enjoy playing with them!! In future hopefully they able to keep improving themmself, 1st they need to do is everyday keep playing at Tarc field, so that i got a place to ply football!! Cheer to TARC football team!!! The football supervisor was offering to coach the team!! i get myself 1st offer!! Hopefully they can offer em with something!! haha!!

Monday, June 7, 2010


I would to pls chong hwa tnf blog author to invite me to as a member!!


Mission Complete for 八独中田径赛!There will be a lot of work to do after this, but it will be clear for me wht are the thing i need to do in my future training programe! Really learn a lot from that!! At the end, always remember!! If!!! DNA decide how fast u run in short distance!!
Attitude in training decide how fast u can run in middle and long distance!!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Seremban Cup semi final! Due to opponent doesn't ahve enough players, we walkover enter final!! However, we still play a friendly match to prepare for 2morrow (today) K.l Division 1 match!! Final score were 4:2 won, i score one even i sub on second half!! Performance not that good!! but it's no important, bz everyone were no mood to ply for it, since it's justa friendly match!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lucky training day

Nowaday i seldom hv opportunity to train myself during sunday morning, cz everytime that will be competition on saturdau\y or sunday! However due to the tiem table today i got the change to run on sudnay morning on my near by house mountain!! 2 time up the mountain with timing 1st=5.51s 2nd=5m15s! last time i was ran with 6m30s! I think i got my fitness back start from now!! And i had run 3 times up hill 70 meter timing were 1st=20s 2nd=18s 3rd=19s!! Going to faint down dy!! Heart rate around 180bpm, 90% intensity!! Curcial time!! Keep on fit!!

Friday, May 21, 2010


2.4km inclind 2 level=9:50! Uppper body workout 2 set except chest muscle!! Performance drop bz of hamstring pull rest about 4 days didnt exercise! Slowly gain back my fitness!! This year hv to win something !!!! Hope this is not my last chance to ply at Malaysia Chinese Cup!! Target, score more goal and assits!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


11 may: 2.4km=9:50(inclind level:2) plus full body workout 13May: 2.4km=9:28(inclind level 2) plus full body workout!! Now i just realize, i get happiness from doing that kind of thing!! Good or not? depend on how happy I am!! I am happy now!!


Finally i score goal! I was waiting for it long long time! Eventhough the goal contain a lot of luck, it really gv me confident to score moore goal in future match! K.L Division 1: Goldvally vs ??? 2:0, i score the second goal! Really happy, i can score again!! Oleh~~~

Monday, May 3, 2010


Ray Hall Said: Coach Change life
Lim Kim Chun Said: Football give life
Me: Football give a change to change your life

For me, football take a huge part if life, no matter whr i'm, i'm trying my best
to find a place to play football. Football let me know a lot of friends, it's a way for me
to socialize. Football is not everything for me, but it's something.
i believe, a person life cannot be only 1 thing, everytthing it's important: study, working, entertaiment
and so on. Football,is my hobby, exercise to keep myself healthy and may be better outlook?
Ths most important, it let me happy!! Everyone is looking for a happy life style!
I'm Trying my best to do that so!! Somehow people just cannot get out from something, may be sport, may be drug and some others funny funny thing!
My friend always said, people who ply football wasn't a bad guy!
People also said, most of the sportman didnt study!!
But i believe, people who really passion on sport, they aare good, even they are not good in academy!
Why refuse to join sport? IT can be fun, away from getting anxiety!
Football/ Coach/ it may be didnt change someone life, but it carry weight on some people life!
I'm one of it!!

Monday, April 19, 2010



Sunday, April 11, 2010






甚至让‘咯咯’先用餐,非常有绅士风范,老外常做的lady first,它做到了。请为它鼓掌!!!





Saturday, March 27, 2010

Another Aim

另一个比赛完了!Sentul ZOn! 成绩差强人意,当然也是意料中事。中长本来就是要比较长的时间才看到成绩的。 但整个比赛的确有喜有悲,有好有坏! 这段期间也发现及学了些东西。我想在这里提一提林唯宁这位同学,他是我在田径组里最懂事也最激情的选手,他的离开绝对是一种损失。是他让我发现了一些平时我会忽略的东西,希望他的未来一路顺风吧!接下来也必须改一改了,希望会是个好的开始吧!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Friendly match

on 16th and 18th March, there were 2 friendly matches between Chong Hwa and Tarc!!
I waa ply for that to matches for some purpose!
1. Help Chong Hwa football team to enhance their ability
2. to gey together SAS football team
3. Tp hv some football fun
4. To observed Chong Hwa players to allowed me able to help them on the coming Tournament

Good thing to be said where SAS football are still there, and players are happy to come and play together, sad where Chong Hwa football were not that easy to be train! But i will try to help them! hopefully on the coming tonourment will get some satisfy result!

Recently i was less partitcipate in football! but i hope that my passion on football still maintain and play unitl the end of the day! Cheer

Saturday, March 20, 2010

my Long holidays

训练的效果几乎都还好,失望可能期望太高吧!如果我会失望,那是因为我的能力无法帮忙我的选手得到他们想要的东西。 个人反省以及检讨希望可以让我变得更好!
奇迹只会出现在有准备的人身上!!CH Fight~~~~~

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

2010 1st blog

i'm here to announce that i start working as a PE teacher in Chong Hwa!
It's really not easy, as i'm still a student i'm just focusing on study. However, now i need to find some income to live! Honestly, this is really hard for me! i mean i'm still adapting mine new living style! somehow i'm missing my college and school life! it's really a wonderful life when i look back. There were so many sweet memkory and friends over there. I realized that when people start looking back on there past, because they were no satisfy on their current status. As i said, i'm not to said unsatisfy in my current status, just i need sometime to adapt.

Like all the students will said PE teacher wasn;t study. 1stly i was quite unhappy with that, but now i thik this is a good thing, cz there will be no pressure to PE teacher. I always ask myself how long can i sustain in thsi job. Like past few jobs, i doenst sustain long! i dont know, but i try!
May be i choice this job because i want to continue my sport life! Sport is important to me! But i need some geng together with me, it's very x 99 important.

Job life, most important is responsibilities. now i can feel the burden on y shoulder, it resists me to move forward in the greater speed. sometime i feel tired and helpless, but i hv to learn to be a man, a real man! i hope i able to do it! NIKE (just do it)