Saturday, March 27, 2010

Another Aim

另一个比赛完了!Sentul ZOn! 成绩差强人意,当然也是意料中事。中长本来就是要比较长的时间才看到成绩的。 但整个比赛的确有喜有悲,有好有坏! 这段期间也发现及学了些东西。我想在这里提一提林唯宁这位同学,他是我在田径组里最懂事也最激情的选手,他的离开绝对是一种损失。是他让我发现了一些平时我会忽略的东西,希望他的未来一路顺风吧!接下来也必须改一改了,希望会是个好的开始吧!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Friendly match

on 16th and 18th March, there were 2 friendly matches between Chong Hwa and Tarc!!
I waa ply for that to matches for some purpose!
1. Help Chong Hwa football team to enhance their ability
2. to gey together SAS football team
3. Tp hv some football fun
4. To observed Chong Hwa players to allowed me able to help them on the coming Tournament

Good thing to be said where SAS football are still there, and players are happy to come and play together, sad where Chong Hwa football were not that easy to be train! But i will try to help them! hopefully on the coming tonourment will get some satisfy result!

Recently i was less partitcipate in football! but i hope that my passion on football still maintain and play unitl the end of the day! Cheer

Saturday, March 20, 2010

my Long holidays

训练的效果几乎都还好,失望可能期望太高吧!如果我会失望,那是因为我的能力无法帮忙我的选手得到他们想要的东西。 个人反省以及检讨希望可以让我变得更好!
奇迹只会出现在有准备的人身上!!CH Fight~~~~~