Friday, November 26, 2010


2010 sport carnival will be hold on 3 dec ro 5 dec in KTAR kuala Lumpur main campus. This is a annual sport game for all the KTAR students to have a plaform to show their talent and at the same time have a chance for them to know more friends. I'm here to wish my SAS football team to be able to defend the champion as we did past 2 years. Let's briefly talk about SAS football team, when i just came in study sport science and know about sport carnival, i get to know that previuosly SAS wouldnt participate in sport carnival football event. My lecture told me that this is a chnace to promote our course and through this event to practice what we had learn. In 2007, SAS football team is form. I'm the team captain and manager!!

2007 SAS football team

Well prepare before game
Pray before start

This is 1st time we participate and we successful enter semi final. However, we didnt satisfy with the resulted. We know we can do much better than this. Start from that, we alwasy play football together, i wouldnt said there are training, i know when talk about training no one will attend, we said play football!! 1 year later, the stronger SAS team is born. To be continue....................


完成了初三三天两夜毕业旅行,真的开心!这是我第二次到海边,第一次跟朋友到kuantan的某某海边主要是去比赛,当时只有johnson,roger跟我。这次是带队老师,主要是注意学生的安全。爽,一大班人在一起玩总是会有很多有趣的是发生。爽,刚好有几个老师也很搞笑好玩,好像阿董和发哥。整个旅行最为开心有三个部分,第一个是water polo.有阿董和发哥加上3德的学生们就很好玩,最重要是大家够'SH'。再来是沙滩排球,4个老师对垒3德全体同学,有如‘夜蚊’一打十,还有一个戴安全帽的女同学用头在我们身上得分,对她刮目相看。最后也是让我跟阿董笑破肚皮的,详情难以用文笔来形容,只有当事人或有参与的人或有偷看的人或有偷听的人或不小心听到的人才可以感受到那种让你笑得全身乏力的感觉。
Cheer for 3 de!!!!! Yam Sheng